
A nossa colaboração com o projeto Histórias de Vida e as Bibliotecas de Oeiras começou este ano. Na Biblioteca Municipal de Algés experimentava-se um trabalho de recolha e registo de histórias de vida de pessoas nascidas antes de 1955. Ouviram depoimentos de pessoas comuns....

The importance of the coordinated action of the various departments and functions that give life to a company becomes clear through the stories of its protagonists. At Sanofi, Media Shots conducted storytelling sessions in all departments of the organization, bringing out stories in which new "characters"...

In partnership with DECO, Media Shots trained a group of teachers from José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School in digital storytelling. First, individually, and then with their students in the classroom, they created a set of digital stories about sustainable consumption. The goal was to raise awareness...

The aim of the European project RIGHTS (Comenius) was to promote the use of digital stories in secondary schools across Europe as interactive learning tools that stimulate creativity and critical thinking. Through these stories, the project aimed to promote citizenship in an open and global...