In collaboration with BLX, the Libraries of Lisbon, residents from the parishes of Penha de França and Marvila shared stories from their lives and places in a series of films.


In the ‘Community Memory Workshops’, a pilot project launched by BLX – Libraries of Lisbon – in the Penha de França neighborhood and later in Marvila, spaces for dialogue and the sharing of memories and affections are created. It is aimed at the elderly population with the goal of recovering, preserving and disseminating life stories, experiences and memories about the neighborhoods and parishes of the city.


In these workshops, the individual life journeys of each participant are discovered through the various stages of their lives, and through them, aspects of collective memory are uncovered. They seek to understand the transformations of the territories through the stories and biographies of the older people who inhabit them.


In response to a challenge presented by BLX, we collaborated with Pop Filmes for this project and conducted a series of interviews, resulting in 48 short films. We also edited a narrative from the collection of interviews, which is approximately 40 minutes long. With these films, we’ve created resources in the form of short stories and memories that enable exploration and reflection on the past and present, thereby valuing the city’s residents and their lives.

Stories and films with the inhabitants of Lisbon

One Kiss on the Forehead

Not even in the Third World

Seize the Tides

An Authentic Servant

The Olaias Didn't Exist

And People Would Do


The Chicken's Ass

Thank you my love

I'm fine

There were women

Taking the ladies to the bar

Learning new things

He owned a printing press

Twenty escudos and a chicken

 The Project

We produced the films and also facilitated a workshop in which the employees of the BLX network – Libraries of Lisbon – took part. The participants conducted interviews and edited a set of films, already considering continuing in other libraries across the city.


Playlist: Marvila

Playlist: Penha de França